Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#3 Tombs, Shacks, and "a weekend in the Country" (10/19/10)

Part 1: Ashley (from Adventure #2) got us into The King Tut Museum

King Tut

Me and Taylor

Each of these necklaces cost $8,750 (no joke)

Part 2: Dinner at Shake Shack Midtown

Taylor's Dinner: Shack Burger, Fries, and we split a "Pretzel! The Concrete" and a "Great White Way" (we had to try them both)

I got the same (I'll diet tomorrow)

Part 3: We saw Bernadette Peters and Elaine Stritch in A Little Night Music on Broadway, and confirmed that I am very much not over my love of Bernadette Peters! It was AMAZING, even from the balcony. We went to the stage door after the show, I was too giddy to take pictures. Below is a little taste of the brilliance.

A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC Bernadette Peters Performs Send In The Clowns

Sunday, October 17, 2010

#2 Maze By Moonlight (10/16/10)

THE AMAZING MAIZE MAZE: "Enjoy getting lost in our 3 acre interactive corn maze. The adventure begins with a stalk talk to prepare you for the challenge of finding clues, solving puzzles and making your way out of the maze. To add to the adventure join us for Maze By Moonlight on Saturdays October 9th and 16th when the maze will be open until 9:00 p.m. Feel up to the challenge? Then join us for the fun of getting lost and loving it!" (

But first, Ashley and I got lost in Queens when we missed our bus stop...

But, we found this cool Halloween House

Then we found the farm!

He had too much spiked cider

The entrance to the maze

Heather and Ashley (before picture)

Ashley's job was to hold the flag

Putting the maze puzzle together

The view from above (at the finish line)

It took us between 35 and 40 minutes (I didn't check exactly when we started, but we finished at 9:25). Not bad since some people are out there for 2 hours.

The Maze

He had to get up early for work

And they had to wake up in the morning to go to market.