"The Bronx Zoo is located in the Bronx borough of New York City, within Bronx Park. It is the largest metropolitan zoo in the United States, comprising 265 acres of park lands and naturalistic habitats, through which the Bronx River flows" (Wikipedia).
Zoo Center: "The zoo (originally called the Bronx Zoological Park and the Bronx Zoological Gardens) opened its doors to the public on November 8, 1899, featuring 843 animals in 22 exhibits. The first zoo director was William Temple Hornaday. Heins & LaFarge designed the original permanent buildings as a series of Beaux-Arts pavilions grouped around the large circular sea lion pool" (Wikipedia).
Thanks to my friend Bryan who works at the zoo, I got a complimentary Total Experience Ticket and got to ride the Wild Asia Monorail, which rode over the Bronx River, the only fresh water river in New York City, running almost 24 miles long.
Ebony Langurs; are usually black, but one population in eastern Java has reddish brown fur, like some of these here.
Pink Flamingo